2022 Du Kona Duathlon - Sprint/Mini Triathlon - Half Fe Triathlon

October 8th, 2022 @ 7:30am CST

$90 - $250
Not on Sale
2022 Du Kona Duathlon - Sprint/Mini Triathlon - Half Fe Triathlon
About this event

Third year for the Du Kona Duathlon..!  This race is on the same course as the other races I direct out at Guthrie lake. Run is semi challenging with a fast downhill finish. The bike course is two loops and provides a certain challenge racing on a mix of inclines at various levels.

The Sprint/Mini Triathlon swim is in a protected cove that shields wind in any direction. The bike/run courses will be the same as the Duathlon

The Half <3 (iron) is new and was spawned off an athlete's desire to do a half close to home and for me to be the director. This was supposed to take place last year but she had to undergo rotator cuff surgery which took her out for the remainder of the season. The course will be multiple loops on the bike (7) which makes it incredibly spectator friendly. The run course will start from Transition and go out on the bike course (large/wide shoulders) to the turnaround and back to the T area where the remaing 4.5mi will be done on a 3 (1.5mi) loop run course. This race will be a challenging course, but at this time of year the temps will be manageable and there will be no cutoff times for any of the three disciplines.

2022 Du Kona Duathlon - Sprint/Mini Triathlon - Half <3 Triathlo
October 8th, 2022 @ 7:30am CST
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